-----Phase 1-----
Welcome to Candyland! This slice of the pizza appears to be COVERED in sweets of all sorts and kinds! From chocolate to marshmallows, and even straight-up just sugar! There's so much of it that it forms rolling hills of candy.
It looks like there's a box full of cooking items half-buried in the candy hills, and you can seemingly take one as you please... The
banger cookers!
It's the banger cooker! It's a boombox with a large hole in the top and a input field for an URL. To use it, insert any number of food items into the boombox along with a Youtube URL to a song and the bangercooker will cook up a delicous meal for you! (1 Phase Cooldown)
You can see from here, the edge of the pizza! It appears to be floating in... soup. Huh. I hope the crust isn't getting too soggy.
From here, you can go to BREADLAND, VEGGIELAND and the TENT!